In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology

Document Type : Article


1 Ph.D Student and Club of Young and Elite Researchers, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nos. 1311-79159 Bandar Abbas, Iran (Received: Aug. 29, 2015 - Accepted: Aug. 20, 2017

2 Professor, Department of Marine Biology, School of Marine and Marine Sciences and Technology, Hormozgan University, PO Box 3995, Bandar Abbas, Iran

3 M. Sc. Student, Department of Marine Biology, School of Marine and Marine Sciences and Technology, Hormozgan University, PO Box 3995, Bandar Abbas, Iran


The catch per unit of effort, catch per unit of swept area and distribution of Banana shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis, de Man 1888) were investigated in fishing season of Banana shrimp in waters of Hormozgan province (October and November, 2013) using a bottom trawl with 24 mm mesh size. Total catch and mean CPUE of P. merguiensis was calculated as 4102 kg and 11.98±0.82 kg/h, respectively.Maximum CPUE and mean CPUE obtained in less than 10 m depth layer with 1797 kg and 15.9±1.83 kg/h, respectively.Minimum CPUE and mean CPUE obtained in 20-40 m depth layer with 684 kg and 8.41±0.9 kg/h, respectively. Total CPUA in less than 10, 10-20 and 20-40 m was obtained 14261, 12856 and 5143 kg/nm2. Maximum CPUA was obtained in less than 10 m depth layer with 1190 kg/nm2. Maximum and minimum mean CPUA was calculated in less than 10 m depth layer with 126.21±14.53 kg/nm2 and 20-40 m depth layer with 66.79±7.21 kg/nm2, respectively. Results showed that the highest distribution of P. merguiensis in shrimp fishing ground of Hormozgan province is in less than 10 m depth layer.


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