In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology

Document Type : Article


1 Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Arak University, Arak, 38156-‎‎8- 8349, Iran‎

2 Secretary of One Area, Education Department of Arak, Arak, Iran‎


Species diversity is one of the levels of biodiversity that encompasses a variety of Fauna and Flora. Haftad-Gholleh National Park located in central of Iran is inhabited by species diversity. This study identifies the animal species of the safe valleys of Chekab and Sibak Haftad-Gholleh National Park and this method calculates the species diversity indices for the area using ecological methodology software. Animals were recorded and censored using images from the local telephoto camera trap. Species diversity indices (richness, heterogeneity, homogeneity) and within habitat, between habitat and regional diversity (γ, β, α), and Morista similarity index were used to estimate and analyze the similarity of fauna with the Chekab and Sibak valleys. The results showed that 22 species were recorded in Haftad-Gholleh area, 11 of bird species, 10 mammals species and 1 amphibian species. In general, the highest species richness is related to the Sibak Valley and the least richness to the Chekab Valley. According to heterogeneity and homogeneity indices, the overall trend of species diversity in the Sibak and Chekab valleys was initially decreasing and then increasing. The similarity index between Sibak and Chekab valleys is 0.98, indicating high similarity between the two valleys. The highest α, β and γ diversity indices belong to the Sibak Valley and the least to the Chekab Valley.


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