In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology

Document Type : Article


1 Instructor, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of ‎Agriculture, Ilam University, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, lorestan University, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, ‎Medical Faculty, Lorestan University, Iran


Four hundred forty 1-d- old male neonate broiler chicks were transported over 1200 km on road to investigate the effects of subcutaneous injection of diazepam on blood glucose level, proportional decrease in live weight, yolk sac weight, breast weight and certain behavioral attributes. For this purpose, 9 behavioral parameters of birds were measured in 4 sections of the trip. By killing and capturing 8 birds from each treatment at the end of each section of the journey, the physiological parameters were measured. Increased journey duration resulted in linear or nonlinear enhanced live weight and breast loss as well as yolk sac resorption in neonate chicks (p < 0.05). Diazepam at both doses induced prompt sedation within few seconds post injection. Chicks received diazepam injection demonstrated muscle relaxation leading to reduced behaviors involving greater muscular activity. Frequency of moderate- and high-energy demanding behaviors were low to moderate in melatonin-injected chicks. No indication showed greater glucose levels in serum may lead to increased frequency of moderate- or high demanding behavioral attributes. In conclusion, diazepam exerted a range of effects in unpremeditated behavior in broiler chicks during transportation over 1200 km on road. Diazepam was able to reduce high-energy demanding or increase low- or moderate-energy demanding behavioral attributes.


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