In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology

Document Type : Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The goal of this study was to find out whether the change in saliva secretion is the primary effects of these agents or there are subsequences of taking food, lick, swallowing and digestion in the mouth. In this study, 70 rats were stereotaxically implanted under urethane anesthesia. The rats were divided into 7 groups: one control group, two sham groups given medicine solvents, two sulpiride groups (4 μg and 8 μg), one bromocriptine group (25 μg) and a mixed group: sulpiride 8 μg along with bromocriptine 25 μg. In this study, saliva secretion was gathered from submandibular glands by cannulas and measures then volume of secretion by using SPSS program the groups were compared (Test Anova). The saliva secretion was not significantly different between all groups except sulpiride 8 μg group and a mixed group which showed significant differences in the saliva secretion. This study showed that sulpiride (8 μg) could increase saliva secretion, while sulpiride (4 μg) couldn’t increase saliva secretion. Bromocriptine (25 μg) could not affect saliva secretion. However, bromocriptine (25 μg) along with sulpiride 8 μg significantly increased saliva secretion. So the dopaminergic system of the VMN has a considerable effect on the secretion the exocrine glands in the digestive system.


Main Subjects

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