In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology

Document Type : Article


1 Assistant Professor of Fisheries Group, Marine Sciences Faculty, Chabahar Maritime University, Chabahar, Iran

2 M.A. Student of Fisheries Group, Marine Sciences Faculty, Chabahar Maritime University, Chabahar, Iran


Different fish species tolerate starvation periods using distinct strategies of activating adaptive biochemical and physiological mechanisms that enable them to cope with the adverse condition. The present study was investigated the effect of starvation on growth, chemical compositions and non- specific immune parameters in grunters (Terapon jarbua) fry. In this study, 180 fry of  T.jarbua studied with mean length 4.46± 0.21 cm and  weight 1.98± 0.30 g that included fed and starved groups each with three replicates (30 fish per replicate) in a 60 – liter plastic tanks. Sampling of fish was performed at 10, 20 and 30 days of food deprivation. The results showed that specific growth ratio (SGR) and increased weight gain (growth parameters), protein and fat (chemical compositions) levels were significantly lower in starved group than in fed group (P 


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