In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology

Document Type : Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr Branch, Azadshahr, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries, Islamic Azad University, Babol Branch, Azadshahr, Iran

3 Former M. Sc. Student of Fishery Science, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr Branch, Azadshahr, Iran


Present study was conducted the effects of Allium sativum on growth, survival, body composition and salinity tolerance of (Rutilus frisii kutum). In this experiment, 4 diet (each triplicate) were supplemented with 0(control), 0.5, 1, 1.5 percent of garlic powder. The experiment carried out in 40 liters tanks.  360 Fry, initially weighing an average of 376±10.6m g, were distributed at a stocking density of 30 fish per tank and fed 4 to 6 percent body weights for 45 days. The results showed that the best performance of growth were seen in treatment 1% garlic powder (P


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