In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology

Document Type : Article


M.Sc. Student, Department of Biology, Maragheh University


Given that the most important use of Artemia especially nauplius it reared fish and shrimp larvae. The nutrition and prey better nauplius by fish and shrimp larvae moving and afloat to be important. Therefore, in the present study the effects of different temperatures and salinities respectively 4temperature (20°C, 24°C, 28°C, 32°C) and 4 salinity (20ppt, 26ppt, 32ppt, 38ppt) on survival rate nauplius Artemia urimiana enriched with the emulsion high unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) examined. After was prepared Artemia urimiana cysts, purification, decapsulate and hatching, larvae (nauplius) obtained by the above-mentioned temperatures, salinities. During two rounds of enrichment, the enrichment time first (t0-t12) and enrichment time second (t12-t24), nauplius with the ICES 30/4/C emulsion fatty acids were enriched. Nauplius survival percent after t24 results obtained with the use of the statistical program SPSS and statistical factoria analysis t- test or T-student was done and charting noted the Excell software design. Results showed that the highest survival percent nauplius ofArtemia urmiana in the temperature range 20°C to 28°C and salinity of 20ppt, 26ppt, 32ppt, 38ppt about 96% respectively. Reduced survival at 32°C and salinities could be due to increased catabolism associated and proliferation of waste materials in the environment.


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The estimate survival rate nauplius urimiana Artemia (Artemia urimiana) enriched with fatty acids HUFA under different temperatures and salinities.