In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology

Document Type : Article


Ph. D. Student, Department of Biochemical Sciences, Najaf-Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran


Lithium has a significant impact in reducing the symptoms of bipolar mania but in long periodes of use with therapeutic doses can cause several disorders in varios organs including the reproductive system. In this study reducing effect of lithium on sperm concentration and motility and forms of abnormal cells has been examined. Male Wistare rats under the 48-day treatment with lithium carbonate at doses of 10,20,30 mg/kg/bw/day were kept in standard conditions nest.At the end of this period sperm cells isolated from the cauda epidydimis and were counted ,estimated motility and stained with smear papanicolaou stain. In lithium treated groops spermatogenesis rate and sperm quality were reduced and a dos dependent maner were seen. Lithium alters intracellular signaling pathways such as inositol phosphate metabolic cycle and cAMPsystem and ATP synthesis. Also interfiers the division of sex cells to produce mature sperm and changes the sperm cell membrain function and structure.


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