In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology

Document Type : Article


Inthis survey anatomical and histological aspects of testis and seminiferous tubules during post-hibernation period in Laudakianupta inhabiting the north of Lorestan province in Zagros Mountains were investigated. To execute this task male lizard’s samples were collected from the study area during April to September for two consecutive years. In the laboratory gonads were removed and passed through fixation, dehydration, clearing, infiltration and embedding stages. By means of a rotary microtome serial sections were cut and stained by Haematoxylin-Eosin. Using light microscopy, quantitative and qualitative examinations were then performed on the sections. Our results revealed that during April to September the diameter of seminiferous tubules and the thickness of germinal epithelium constantly decrease. In addition, during the April and May the germinal cells are undergoing the meiosis or maturing process but no spermatozoid is found in the tubules yet. During June and July, the spermatogenesis process reaches to its maximum peak and mature spermatozoa are constantly released into the tubules lumen. During August to September, the production of sperm ceases and the tubules begin a reduction process. In general, the results displayed that the type of spermatogenesis in this taxon is classified as associated and spermatogenic activity peaks when there are high temperatures and long photoperiod which coincides with June and July.