In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology

Document Type : Article


1 Department of Marine Biology, ‎Chabahar Maritime University,‎‏ ‏‎Chabahar, Iran‎

2 Iranian Fisheries Organization, ‎Chabahar, Iran‎



This study aimed to investigate the diet of Pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) caught by pot during the sampling seasons in the Konarak fishing ground located in the Sistan and Baluchestan province. Tiger squid samples were collected for biological studies in the period from October to January 2021. Based on the obtained data, the highest number was recorded in January (113 specimens), and the highest ranges of length (18.2-2.41 cm) and weight (426.17-17.3886 grams) were recorded in October. Based on the results of non-linear regression between length and weight, the values of a, b, and R2 parameters were 0.17038, 2.6962, and 0.9842, respectively. The highest Fulton index was obtained in December (0.93) and the lowest index was obtained in October (0.64). The highest value of the GaSI index was observed in December (1.02) and the lowest value was observed in November (0.7). Also, the highest SFI index was observed in January (0.535) and the lowest in November (0.31). The changes in the ESR index also showed that this index was 68% in October, 57% in November, 34% in December, and 41% in January. Based on the results of gastric dilatation, the highest state of the empty stomach (53%) and three-quarter dilation (13%) were observed in October. Also, most one-quarter dilation (18%), one-half dilation (24%), and full stomach (22%) were observed in January. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the nutritional status of Pharaoh Cuttlefish caught by fishing trap in the Konarak in different sampling (P<0.05). Also, they have a varied diet (Fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other digested materials) during different sampling months.


Main Subjects

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